CHILDLIFE Homeopathic Formula 3 Cough Syrup combines the 3 most effective and well researched homeopathic extracts for safely and effectively addressing all types of children's coughs. These are the best natural cough extracts on the Market today! Elderberry (Sambucus Nigra), Umckaloabo (Pelargonium sidoides), Cherry Bark (Prunus serotina),CHILDLIFE Formula 3 Cough Syrup also includes Buckwheat honey and provides a new standard of efficiency for shortening the duration and reducing the severity of coughs associated with colds and flu's. Formula 3 Cough Syrup is providing the most effective relief Mom's need to remedy their child's cough, so their child can rest!Suggested Use:For infants 6 months to 1 yr: 1 teaspoon daily, For children 1 to 4 yrs: 1-2 teaspoons daily, For children 4 to 12 yrs: 2-3 teaspoons daily. Shake well before use.Keep refrigerated after opening. Give directly or mix with your child's favorite drink.

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