Soba is the thin, rectangular, traditional Japanese-style buckwheat pasta popular in Tokyo and northern Japan. The traditional favorite in a new look! Our heirloom buckwheat is so much better than anything else available that just 40% gives these ORGANIC PLANET¬ Soba noodles the look and taste of 100% buckwheat. Perfect served hot in winter or cold in summer, these noodles are the smoothest, quickest cooking organic Asian-style buckwheat (soba) pasta ever to be sold in the natural foods market. While both wheat noodles like Udon or Lomein and Soba can be stir-fried, Soba is surprisingly well suited to use in noodle salads especially with a spicy or Asian-style dressing. When serving Soba noodles with dipping broth, the most popular use of noodles in Japan, the broth is usually more intensely flavored with shoyu and mirin than when using wheat noodles such as Lomein and Udon. Also, whereas broth for Soba is traditionally flavored with wasabi, Japanese seven-spice is more commonly used with Udon.